About Me

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Hi I'm Laura Hickman. Writer, sewist, baker, fairytalemaker. When I'm not writing a delicious fantasy with my husband Tracy Hickman, I'm up to my elbows creating with yarn, frosting, cloth, or paint. I love playing with my grandkids, outdoor photography & travel. Join me at http:// bakingoutsidethebox.com as I share my creations including my Baking Outside the Box mix method for all sorts of fabulous desserts. Invictus by William Ernest Henley, is my favorite poem. Especially the final stanza: It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Autumn Journey

In September I spent a blissful day in Spring City, Utah. It is a charming dot on the map in San Pete County. It is filled with beautiful scenes and vistas both in town and the surrounding environs of farms and mountains. It is also filled to the brim with artists. The day we were there it was the 'Plein Air' competition and so there were many local and visiting artists outside painting. Where are my brushes? ~sigh~ It was a special day as all of the artists in town threw open their doors and allowed us to see them and their work in their native habitat.

This castle-like LDS church commanded our attention as it sprawled gracefully on it's expanse of green lawn and large trees. It was built by pioneer stone masons and is still in use today.

Church with a turret out in the countryside. Who knew?

This is the spring in Spring City, on Main st. , set with a historical marker.

This building teased us with glimpses of it through trees and behind buildings till we finally found it. Not City Hall, but the Public School building which, yes was also built by stone masons. It is being renovated.

The Horseshoe pottery shop is owned by Joseph Bennion. And one of my pre-planned stops. Joe's pottery is beautiful, sturdy and practical. I came away with a charming little green-glazed 'beehive' salt shaker. My prize for the day.

Here are a pair of artists I captured as they painted out of doors and the cowboy posed patiently with his somewhat feisty horse.

We dodged in and out of many tiny gallery-studios and met many of the town's artists.

This was my pick of the day for a subject to paint. But alas no time and no paint so...

I allowed the computer to give it a try... Though it may find it's way to a real canvas yet.


  1. Oh what a lovely day! I remember being there last year. The computer rendition of the painting to come is amazing - who knew you could do that?

  2. We have still never made it down to enchanted Spring City but your photos make me determined to take the trip! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Yep - I have an action that does that watercolor thing. How did you do it? My goodness - it's been a month of artists for you! I've always wanted to go down there, but I've never done it yet. Always too much going on. Now I REALLY want to go. The only time we ever got to Horseshoe, it wasn't OPEN. And they invited us to ride with them down there, thing that's on my luxury in the future list. Good for you guys, doing it.
