It has been far too long since I posted here. I have a good many more pictures that I should share than the few today. Perhaps I will have to post again soon.
It's been a very busy year so far.
- There's been more travel for work than usual.
- The game 'Sojourner Tales' is making its way here on a slow boat from China.
- I'm also happy to announce the fist book, 'Unwept', from the 'Nightbirds Series' came out at the beginning of this month.
- Most of my photographic time has been dedicated to my homemaking blog: Baking Outside the Box. I credit it's recent success to the crochet designs I've shared and also it seems that many of my entree recipes are popular with the Paleo crowd.
- We are prepping for three big convention appearances in a row beginning mid August and ending mid September.
I've had the privilege of a bit of voluntary travel, i.e. vacation, too. Below are a few pictures from these two journeys. The first is from a short trip to the Bahamas and the second set are from the annual family reunion at lake Powell.
As always, if you want a better look at the photos, just click on them.
These fellow were sailing just off the stern end of the ship.
I love pictures of lighthouses. I've thought about them a lot as one is featured in Nightbirds.
Here is some brain coral in the shape of a heart that was still damp from the surf.
This charming star fish (with friend) was about a hand span across in width. He was tumbling about in just a few inches of water. I was enchanted.
Now here we are at Lake Powell.
Tracy and I found this dead tree while kayaking. I have a thing for dead trees. Something about structure, I guess.
Here is a wide shot of 'Dead Tree Pond'.
The phrase magic casement is a reference to Keats 'Ode to a Nightingale' as follows:
The same that oft-times hath
Charmed magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas in fairy lands forlorn.
Wishing you all peace and sweet dreams. -- Laura