About Me

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Hi I'm Laura Hickman. Writer, sewist, baker, fairytalemaker. When I'm not writing a delicious fantasy with my husband Tracy Hickman, I'm up to my elbows creating with yarn, frosting, cloth, or paint. I love playing with my grandkids, outdoor photography & travel. Join me at http:// bakingoutsidethebox.com as I share my creations including my Baking Outside the Box mix method for all sorts of fabulous desserts. Invictus by William Ernest Henley, is my favorite poem. Especially the final stanza: It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sun, Sand & Sea

It has been far too long since I posted here.  I have a good many more pictures that I should share than the few today.  Perhaps I will have to post again soon.  

It's been a very busy year so far.  
  • There's been more travel for work than usual. 
  •   The game 'Sojourner Tales'  is making its way here on a slow boat from China. 
  •  I'm also happy to announce the fist book, 'Unwept', from the 'Nightbirds Series'  came out at the beginning of this month. 
  •  Most of my photographic time has been dedicated to my homemaking blog: Baking Outside the Box.   I credit it's recent success to the crochet designs I've shared and also it seems that many of my entree recipes are popular with the Paleo crowd.  
  •  We are prepping for three big convention appearances in a row beginning mid August and ending mid September.

I've had the privilege of a bit of voluntary travel, i.e. vacation, too.  Below are a few pictures from these two journeys.  The first is from a short trip to the Bahamas and the second set are from the annual family reunion at lake Powell.  
As always, if you want a better look at the photos, just click on them.

These fellow were sailing just off the stern end of the ship.

I love pictures of lighthouses.  I've thought about them a lot as one is featured in Nightbirds.

Here is some brain coral in the shape of a heart that was still damp from the surf.  

This charming star fish (with friend) was about a hand span across in width.  He was tumbling about in just a few inches of water.  I was enchanted.

Now here we are at Lake Powell.
Tracy and I found this dead tree while kayaking.  I have a thing for dead trees.  Something about structure, I guess.
Here is a wide shot of 'Dead Tree Pond'.


And this 'magic casement'  is an arch I'd never seen before.  It's in Dry Creek Canyon.  (Which is quite wet!)
The phrase magic casement is a reference to Keats 'Ode to a Nightingale'  as follows:
The same that oft-times hath
Charmed magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas in fairy lands forlorn.

Wishing you all peace and sweet dreams. -- Laura